Most well-known song ?
...I can definitivly say that this is your most popular song you have ever submitted ( 213 reviews + nearly 13000 downloads in 2 years. You overcame ParagonX9 ) . But it is your best work ? Actually, maybe ! I'm not keen on James Bond ( even though I've watched and played Goldeneye ) but this tune was enjoyable !! No note is missing. You've respected the main theme and that's the main thing you have to do each time you cover a popular song. It makes 007 agent more violent and brutal !! Keep it up !
P.S. : How many James Bond games did you play ?
P.S.S. : What song am I supposed to cover in hope to get Diamond track soon ?
P.S.S.S. : The file seems longer than I thought !
...And as a conclusion, I've submitted new shite in the portal. ( you'll recognize RE4 Salazar ). Tell me what you think !