...I have one thing to say...
...LAUGHING MY ASS OFF !! AHAHAHAH that was fun !! I like DBZ story and DBZ parodies ! I know almost every episode of the Z serie (but not DBGT' ones) ! Your flash reminds me something ...Whateva...good job !! The squicky voice is very funny and classical !! But you've done it pretty well !! And one more thing...congratulation for your first flash... and I'm surprised you've done it the same day of your NG enrollment !! Keep it up !!
Positive points :
- Stupid Songoku , stupid Frieza , stupid Cell !
- ("the earth will be destroy no i m sangoku and ill kill you cell no you cant kill me yes i can no yes no...")??? Rofl ???
Negative points :
- it's a "in a nutshell" serie... what could I say ? That I don't understand what they are saying ?? That I'm getting a seizure ??