ye thoe i foun out how too do it thoe its cald XXX@ look at in techno or just search sorry it tuck me soo loung thoe u dint say anay thing for a wile just check it out
... Doh !
Age 35
Playing the piano, i
Professional musician
Joined on 5/20/06
ye thoe i foun out how too do it thoe its cald XXX@ look at in techno or just search sorry it tuck me soo loung thoe u dint say anay thing for a wile just check it out
i mean XXX2 not XXX@ ok
ok no prob, mate !
wow thanks dude for the score i owe u one and i made it form a movie i just mixed parts up u like thats glad u did
You're welcome ^^ !
i count find the one your talking about sorryy (Jamiroquai ) count find
I called it "Depper than Underground".
hey is there a way i can make u my buddy or some thing
and do u live in alstia im sorryif i spell ed it worng
No I live in France. I'm French. But I wish I could go to America...
dude keep up the rock stuff ok i daloded that soung it was friken cool :] and do uknow how to put your music on here or do u have be in newgrouds or sometin well if u coul help me with that wolud be alsome thanks
To help you ? WHy not ?
oh noes... my OOT track isn't with the best anymore :( ..................